Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I go about getting my loved one into Zion Park Manor?

A: We have 29 long term care private pay beds. The monthly cost is dependent on your loved ones level of care. Please feel free to book a tour for your loved one to be place on our waitlist. Tours are approximately ½ hour in length. Wait list times is dependent on availability, so an exact time frame for your loved one to move in cannot be given.

We have 70 funded beds through the Fraser Health Authority.  To access a funded long term care bed, please contact Fraser Health Home Health office: 1-855-412-2121 to request an assessment. They will send a case worker to assess your loved one for placement. If your loved one qualifies for a funded bed, you will be required to identify up to three preferred care homes. Depending on the urgency, your loved one may be placed in an interim care home until a preferred site comes available. The funded monthly rate is based on 80% of your loved one’s annual income.  Zion Park Manor does know how long the funded wait list is as Fraser Health is responsible for this list. You can speak to the case worker for more information.

Q: How do I arrange a tour of Zion Park Manor?

A: Contact Michelle Whitehouse (Director of Care) to arrange a tour date and time. (604) 575-2803.

Q: How many people live at Zion Park Manor?

A: 99 elders live at Zion Park Manor.

Q: Do elders have to share rooms? 

A: All elders will have their own room. There are no double occupancy rooms at Zion Park Manor.

Q: Will someone do my loved ones laundry?

A: All laundry is performed onsite by our own staff. There are some family members who choose to do their loved one’s own personal laundry.

Q: Do you allow/have any pets?

A: Zion currently has 4 cats, birds and 2 salt water fish tanks that are for all to enjoy and take care of. Pets belonging to an elder can be accommodated only if the elder can manage full responsibility of the animal.

Q: Do you have nurses on duty?

A: Zion Park Manor has licensed nursing staff and care aides on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Q: Can we hang pictures on the walls?

A: Yes, it is important for your loved one to be surrounded by items that are familiar and arranged to their own personal taste and preference.

Q: Can we bring in our own furniture or bed?

A: Elders are encouraged to bring in small furniture items to personalize their space. Zion Park Manor supplies a hospital bed, armoire, dresser and night table. The hospital bed cannot be substituted for a bed from home unless it meets specific criteria.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: Elder’s per diem or daily rate for a funded placement is set by Fraser Health calculated on the previous year’s income. Private-pay rates depend on the care the elder will require.

 Q: Are there any other charges?

A:Yes, there are services that are not included in the monthly rate.  They include telephone, cable, purchases from the general store, dinner outings, and podiatry, dental hygiene, and hairdressing services.

Q: What is a trust account?

A: A trust account is a mini bank account held in your loved ones name. The expense of services not covered under the monthly rent can be charged to this account. Most families ensure that at least $200.00 is in the account at all times. Families will receive a monthly statement indicating what type of expense has been charged.  e.g. pharmacy dispensing fees, dinner outings, dental hygiene visits, etc.

Q: What if my mom or dad’s doctor cannot visit Zion Park Manor?

A: We can assign your parent to one of our two in-house physicians who alternate weekly visits to the manor.

Q: My parent will not remember to eat. Will someone remind him/her when it is mealtime?

A: Mealtimes are at set times every day and care staff are trained to remind and assist elders if needed during meals. 

Q: Do elders receive help with bathing?

A: Bathing is scheduled and staff-assisted.

Q: Do elders receive assistance in taking their medication?

A: The nurse on duty will ensure that prescribed medication is taken and recorded on the chart. Medical Pharmacies dispenses all medications, and the nurse on duty administers the medication according to the doctor’s order.

Q: Do elders receive assistance with dressing? 

A: Staff will assist where needed, but independence is encouraged for quality of life and staff will often set up supplies and offer direction for confused elders.

Q: Will elders receive redirection if they lost within the building?

A: Zion Park Manor staff will assist any elder who appears lost.

Q: Can we have lunch with my mother?

A: Visitor meals can be provided for a set fee and must be booked in advance with the receptionist.

Q: Can we take our loved one out, or away for the weekend?

A: Elders may leave the facility with family or friends for any period of time but must take responsibility for prescribed medications. It is important for family members to contact the nurse at least 24 hours in advance of an outing so the nursing staff can prepare necessary medication that may need to be sent along on the outing. 

Q: Are there restrictions on visiting hours?

A: There are no restrictions on visiting hours as Zion Park Manor is the home of our elders.

Q: My loved one is on a special diet; will someone look after that?

A: Zion Park has a registered dietitian on staff. She will attend to any dietary needs, and the kitchen will provide any special diets as required.

Q: Can elders drink alcoholic beverages?

A: Alcohol is served during Happy Hour functions but not allowed in elder bedrooms. It may be kept in the medication rooms and dispensed by the nurse with a physician order.

Q: My loved one does not like fish. Will you provide him with a substitute?

A: There is always a choice at all meals.

Q:  Are there church services?

Church services, hymn sing, and bible study are all held once weekly but there is no obligation to attend.  Elders make choices base on their own personal beliefs and/or religious/non-religious preference.

Q: Are there any activities?

A: Zion Park Manor offers a variety of activity programs. A program of activities and events is published each month for each care unit and is posted on our website. Many activities take place and vary on a monthly basis.

Q: Do you have a bus?

A: Zion Park Manor has its own bus, and a set fee is charged for the different bus outings that are offered.

Q: Does Zion Park Manor have an arts and crafts program?

A: Zion Park Manor has an incredible arts program that can accommodate elders who have physical limitations to create amazing works of art. Elders also work with clay, which is fired in our kiln.

Q: Does Zion Park Manor have a music therapy program?

A: We have a music therapist who works with our elders to promote and maintain general wellbeing. The therapist will assess elder’s needs and formulate goals through the use of music and musical activities, evaluating these goals as these sessions progress.

Q: Is there a gardening program?

A: There is a variety of gardening programs that start during the spring months. Zion Park Manor has a beautiful outdoor space with raised flower beds.