Volunteering at Zion Park Manor
Our residents enjoy the companionship of our many volunteers who help at Zion Park Manor. Zion Park Manor partners with many individuals, community groups and schools. This helps our elders to feel part of the greater community. Volunteers help prevent isolation and loneliness. They add new faces to the environment and add that extra hand.
Volunteers assist with the many activity programs happening at the Manor, some like to help with tasks around the manor and others provide added activities like reading stories, playing music, serving ice cream or visiting, adding to the quality of life of our elders. Some volunteers make a weekly commitment and others commit to coming in less often. Some are with us for a semester and others have been volunteering for over 20 years! All of our volunteers play an important role in our Zion Park Manor community and each one is very special!
There are many different reasons to volunteer of Zion Park Manor whether you require hours for school, need some work experience, or want to give back to others. We guarantee that by volunteering at Zion you will build friendships, gain insight into the needs of others, learn more about yourself and have a memorable experience. You will also know that you have made a difference in the lives of others.
How to Become a Volunteer
- Be prepared to make a minimum 6-month commitment.
- Complete a Volunteer Application Form (which can be obtained from the Reception desk) and include two reference letters.
- Obtain a Criminal Records Check from the Police Department.
- Attend an Interview/Orientation to determine suitable placement and training.